Sunday, March 20, 2016

5(ish) Minute Makeup

Okay.  Real talk.  We don't always have time in the morning to apply a full face of makeup.  Or we don't have the products.  Or we simply don't have the desire to fuss with liquid liner, blend out foundation, or line our lips.  In this video, I apply my makeup in roughly 5 minutes (a bit longer because of the sweet little pickle who came in to check out what I was doing).

This is the first makeup video I've ever done (like you couldn't tell).  I have no idea why it's such a narrow view but I was almost in tears simply trying to get the video from my phone to my computer so I'm just going to go with it.  I shot it using my Samsung Galaxy s6 Edge phone which was propped up between two rows of lipsticks.  I'm not always in frame and the angle is horribly unflattering, but hopefully you can all see past that and just focus on the products and application... not on my gajillion chins. :)

I made this video in response to a request from my friend, Andrea, who, by the way, designs amazing purses.  Seriously, check them out here.  Please feel free to leave any questions, suggestions, or requests in the comments,